Hardwood Floors Allergies Or Asthma

You know the symptoms: red, scratchy eyes. Sneezing, coughing, rashes, and worse.For those suffering from allergies or asthma, the stress of always trying to avoid triggers or getting through those times of the year when allergies are the worst can take its toll on you and your family.Your home should be a place to rest and be safe from the typical things that trigger your body’s painful allergic reactions.But often the very floors you are walking on in your home can be a major source of allergy and asthma triggers.

Hardwood floors are better than carpet when it comes to preventing allergies and asthma

Carpeting can be a reservoir for allergy-causing substances (allergens) that trigger asthma. Carpeting in the bedroom can be especially problematic because it exposes you to carpet dust throughout the night.Hard-surface flooring such as vinyl, tile or wood is much easier to keep free of dust mites, pollen, pet dander and other allergens.”Wood floors have many benefits. One of the most important is how easy they are to keep clean. Wood floors do not trap dust, dander, dust mites, pollen or other allergy and asthma triggers.These allergens can be swept and mopped up and won’t be trapped by carpet pads and fibers, or be kicked up into the air as you walk along your floor.Allergic Living Magazine states that:“In general, hard surface flooring is the best bet for those with allergies and asthma, because it’s easy to sweep and mop, and it doesn’t attract dust mites or mold.

What to do if you still like the idea of carpet

Carpet is certainly a very comfortable, soft floor covering and it’s understandable that many people choose to keep it in their bedrooms, living rooms, and other areas.Here are a few things to consider if you like the benefits of carpet, but want to reduce allergy and asthma triggers:

  1. Do regular steam cleaning for your carpeted floors to keep dust mites and get as many allergens out as possible.
  2. Replace your furnace filters regularly and have your ducts and vents cleaned.
  3. Consider adding a whole home HEPA filtration device, or at least one in the room where you sleep.
  4. Consider swapping out carpet for wood floors and a rug. Rugs can be cleaned and eventually replaced more easily than carpet.

Make the choice for Hardwood Floor

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